Sunday, November 16, 2008

Download FREE Russian slang and swear words video course

With the help of this course you can compose your own swearings. You won't be taught these basics on any other course of the Russian language.

The Russian part of the course is recorded by the criminal who was in prison more than 25 years. As Russian slang is a prison slang, this person knows exactly how words and phrases are pronounced.

You can watch it now:

Free video course contains 20 words and sentences and has 10 minutes duration.

Full version of video course contains 388 words and sentences and has 1 hour 39 minutes duration. 

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I have a neighbor. He is Russian. We got on badly. Once he was drunk and knocked out my door. I called the police and now he hates me. When we meet each other in the vestibule he tells me different Russian words. I didn't understand him and had to smile when he talked Russian. But I suspected that he swore. I tried to find the translation of his word in the Internet. But it's very difficult to find as the spelling and the pronunciation differ greatly. My friend advised me this video-course. I watched, listened and now I know what my Russian neighbor is talking about. He uses foul language. I have learned few Russian swearing words and when he began to swear again I answered him in Russian the same. He was very surprised. Then he thought and began to apologize. Now we are the best friends.
Joseph Swift, Los Angeles, California, USA

I'm a huge fan of the film "Air Force One". There's this one scene after the Russians have sieged the plane. Gary Oldman's character asks in Russian "Where is the President?" One of his fellow "terrorists" says that the President got away in the pod. Then Gary Oldman shouts out a Russian word which some reason does not appear in English subtitles, like the other Russian dialogue so I'm guessing it's a swear word. I've tried to find this out on the internet but I can't even write the word as it's pronounced. I have watched this course and now I know how this phrase is pronounced and what it means. I will recommend this course to my friends.
Mary Wells, Denver, Colorado, USA

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